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Clifford Calcutt, CEO of Agilebase

“Agilebase meets UNESCO’S sustainability goals”

CEO Cliff Calcutt explains how Agilebase aligns with UNESCO sustainability goals.

“More than half of Agilebase citizen developers are women. We want it to be more,” he said. “And not only women. We want anyone, no matter who they are, to get the chance to become citizen developers and software architects.

Connect every department

Businesses start to feel the benefit of software such as Agilebase when all the departments and tools connect, says Richard Wilson, an independent IT consultant. “All firms need to find software tools that better fit how they work”

“It’s taken off 16 hours of work a week. It’s brilliant”

“It’s a godsend,” said Emma Taylor, managing director of NetLets Properties Limited. “Our operations manager used to do everything by hand. It’s been beneficial. It’s taken off 16 hours of work a week. Those 16 hours have been spent on problem-solving activities to set us aside from competitors. Brilliant!”

“Our users are diverse”

There were around 2.6 million low or no-coders in 2021. That number is likely to grow by 40% a year until 2025. That’s three times as fast as the developer population. These citizen developers are at the forefront of digital transformation.